Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome Fall!

Tonight, we welcomed the new Fall season with lots of family fun!  We cooked yummy chili which Boone devoured as long as tortilla chips were involved.  We then turned the lights down, lit some candles and all cuddled on the couch (Buckley and Roana included).  We popped in The Great Pumpkin, and to our delight, Boone watched intently from start to finish.  We introduced all the Peanuts characters to him.  He sat there chewing on his blanket and was in awe that Linus had a blanket too!  He was very fascinated by Snoopy- especially when he was "flying" the dog house!  After it was over, he said "fun watching Great Pumpkin!"  We talked about how last year when we tried to watch it, he just did his own thing.  This year is so different and exciting! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I will preface this by saying I plan on writing up to date posts while interjecting stories from the early days.  This will be great fun!